Host Students at Your Company
Host a JA Job Shadow
JA Job Shadow is a one day event where high school students will be able to interact with employees from your company, ask questions of the employees, and tour your campus. JA Job Shadow takes place for 4-5 hours and activities need to be planned for most if not all of the time students are on-site. Volunteers are needed to facilitate the activities and provide students with instruction and tours. Schools will be matched with companies and specific details will be coordinated at that time. This program is customizable and can be developed in coordination with JA staff and school personnel.
Host a Finance Park
JA Finance Park is a capstone program where middle and high school students engage and complete lessons encompassing financial planning and career exploration. As a host for JA Finance Park, you will need to secure volunteers to assist students as they go through the simulation and share personal experiences with students regarding. You can also provide students with a tour of your facility to introduce them to your company and industry. Schools will be matched with companies and specific details will be coordinated at that time. JA Finance Park is a one-day program that takes place over 3-5 hours.