banner photo: Past JA Board Chairman, Kevin Tracy of Bank of America, works with students at Roger Williams Middle School as part of 2016 Education Awareness Week.
Board of Directors
JA’s board of directors is comprised of executives and business leaders who represent diverse facets of Rhode Island’s economy. Their wide range of backgrounds and professional expertise yield a dynamic and dedicated team with a hands-on approach to positioning JA as a leader in youth, education, and economic development. The leadership and philanthropic efforts of the Board of Directors are at the forefront of our efforts and accomplishments.
Casey Riley, Chairman, Chief Operating Officer, Newport Restaurant Group
Sherri Carrera, Secretary, Member | At-Large
Lee Lewis, President (ex-officio), President | Junior Achievement of Rhode Island
Eric Turner, Treasurer, Partner | KPMG LLP
Ashlee Accetta, Business Analyst, Workplace Investing Customer Solutions | Fidelity Investments
Rhonda Arsenault, Director of Human Resources | Toray Plastics (America)
Robert Baute, Jr., Partner | Troutman Pepper Locke, LLP
Marie Bernardo-Sousa, LP.D., President - Providence Campus | Johnson & Wales University
Kriti Bhagat, O.D., Optometrist | Eyediology Vision
Paul A. Campellone, Esq., Attorney | Adler Pollock & Sheehan P.C.
Adam Compton, Director of Strategic Marketing | Schneider Electric
Lori Corsi, Vice President of Administration | Dimeo Construction Company
Carolyn Crawford, Director, QA GMP Operations | Acelyrin
Matthew Cubellis, Treasury Officer | Amica Mutual Insurance Co.
Al Cumplido, Director of Investment Strategy | Independence Financial Partners
Frank DiBiase, III, General Manager, Spring House Hotel | Atwells Group Hospitality Management
Jada Dietsch, Pharm.D., Clinical Pharmacist | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island
G. Scott Dingus, Vice President of Strategic Sourcing | Citizens Bank
Tammy Gobel, HR Business Partner | Amazon
Christopher Graham, Esq., Co-Office Managing Partner | Troutman Pepper Locke LLP
John Haronian (Emeritus), President | Wine & Spirits Retail Consultant, Inc.
David Hirsch, Partner | Hinckley Allen
Steve Hughes, Director of Sales | Cox Business
Megan Johnson, Vice President & Director, Business Banking Relationship Manager | Webster Bank
Christine Keefe, SVP/Business Support Manager - Commercial Middle Office and Operations | Santander Bank
Steven H. Kitchin, Vice President and Special Assistant to the President | New England Institute of Technology
Jason Kulak, Controller | Centreville Bank
Scott Lajoie, Senior Vice President, Commercial Lending | BankRI
Bryan LeBlanc, Franchise Owner/President | The UPS Store
Jamison Miller, Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager | Bank of America Private Bank
Jill Monaghan, Director, Organizational Engagement | Textron, Inc.
Carrie Morse, Director, Supply Chain | Amgen
Andrew Omer, Assistant Vice President, Commercial Loan Officer | Bristol County Savings Bank
Col. Oscar Perez, Chief of Police | Providence Police Department
Gregory Post, President | Bowerman Construction
Douglas Rademacher, Educator | The Metropolitan Regional Career and Technical Center
Janet Raymond, Immediate Past Chairwoman, Senior VP of Operations & Economic Development (retired) | Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce
Irving Schneider, Ph.D. (Emeritus), President - Providence Campus (Retired) | Johnson & Wales University
Richard V. Simone III, President | EGN, LLC
Kevin P. Tracy, RI Market President | Bank of America