JA Economics
11th - 12th Grade
Career Pathways:
Financial Literacy
Work Readiness
JA Economics (Blended Model) is a one-semester course that connects high school students to the economic principles that influence their daily lives as well as their futures. Through a variety of experiential activities presented by the teacher and volunteer, students better understand the relationship between what they learn in school and their successful participation in today's global economy. Volunteers engage with students through a variety of activities as subject matter guest speakers, or coaching for case study and project. Volunteer activities help students better understand the relationship between what they learn in school, their future career, and their successful participation in today's global economy.
The course addresses each of the economics standards identified by the Council for Economic Education as being essential to complete a high school economics course. Course components equip students to learn the necessary concepts applicable to state and national educational standards; apply economic reasoning and skills in the world around them; synthesize elective concepts through a cumulative, tangible deliverable (optional case studies and/or projects); demonstrate the skills necessary for future financial literacy pathway success; and integrate College and Career Readiness anchor standards in Reading, Informational Text, Speaking and Listening, and Vocabulary.